EOForChina research presented at ESA's Living Planet Symposium

Monday 20 May 19
Liguang Jiang presented EOForChina research results at the 2019 Living Planet Symposium in Milan, Italy, May 13-17, 2019

The Living Planet Symposium is regularly held every three years by the European Space Agency and is among the biggest Earth Observation conferences. Liguang Jiang presented our research “How Does Delay-Doppler/SAR Altimetry Perform over Mountainous Lakes? A Multi-Mission Altimetry Comparison” in session A.4.11 “Water Level, Storage, River Discharge and Floods from Remote Sensing and Assimilation in Hydrodynamic Models”. Liguang discussed the poster with a number of scientists from ESSIC University of Maryland, GFZ-Postdam, University of Salzburg, CNES, TUM, etc.

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